Why Vaccines are Vital for Your Cat’s Health

What cat vaccinations are typically recommended?
Cat vaccinations commonly include:
Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR): Protects against respiratory infections.
Calicivirus (C): Guards against respiratory and oral diseases.
Panleukopenia (P): Prevents a highly contagious and often fatal disease.
Feline Leukemia (FeLV): Recommended, especially for outdoor cats, to prevent a viral infection that weakens the immune system.
Rabies: Essential to prevent this fatal viral disease, often required by law.
Are there side effects associated with cat vaccinations?
While cat vaccinations are generally safe, some cats may experience mild side effects, such as lethargy or a temporary decrease in appetite. Serious reactions are rare but can occur. It's essential to discuss any concerns with our veterinary team.
If my cat is only living indoors, do they still need to be vaccinated?
Yes, even indoor cats should be vaccinated! Some diseases can be transmitted through contact with contaminated objects or if an infected animal enters your home.
Yes, most vaccines require periodic boosters to maintain immunity.
It's generally safe to administer multiple vaccines simultaneously. Our veterinarians will assess your cat's health and needs.
Yes, that's the purpose of vaccines! So cats can be exposed and have no risk.
Yes, vaccines are essential to safeguard your cat's health and prevent the spread of diseases, contributing to their overall well-being.