National Cat Lover's Month
In recognition of December being National Cat Lover’s Month, let’s talk about one of the most controversial pet topics out there, and something that has recently been banned in the province of BC: declawing cats. To some, the act of declawing a cat is the most horrendous form of torture possible, but in some cases, there may be a medical reason why claws need to be removed. So…keeping the well-being of our feline friends a priority, let’s discuss the facts of this subject.
Animal Pain Awareness
The International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management has designated the month of September as Animal Pain Awareness Month. In recognition of that we’d like to share some tidbits on how to tell if your pet is in pain.
Are Hairballs In Cats Dangerous?
If you have ever had a cat, then you have most likely witnessed the somewhat disturbing event of “hacking up a hairball”.
Happy Healthy Cat Month
Keeping your cat both happy and healthy provides a higher quality of life and allows you to better monitor their behavior if something appears off. So, what can you do to help keep them at 100%?
Holiday Hazards
The holiday season brings merry festivities to our homes and often brings new people, plants, foods, and decorations which warm our hearts (and our bellies!) but can also pose threats to our canine and feline family members.
Hyperthyroidism In Cats
The signs of hyperthyroidism can be subtle initially but become more severe as the disease progresses.
Getting Your Cat To The Vet
Going to the vet can be a traumatizing experience for many cats but there are ways to lessen anxiety.