Pet Diet and Nutrition
When it comes to choosing a diet for your pet, we know how easy it is to become overwhelmed! The choices seem almost endless! How are you supposed to choose one that’s right for YOUR pet? Let us give you a few tips that we think will help.
Blocked Cats – What does that mean?
The term “blocked cat” actually refers to the obstruction of the urethra in a male cat. (But it is important to remember that it can happen to both dogs and cats, and also in females – just less commonly). The urethra is the tube that drains urine from the bladder and when it becomes blocked, a cat cannot pass its urine. This is an emergency situation and needs to be addressed immediately.
Cat food versus Dog food: Is there a difference?
If you have a household with both a dog and a cat, then you have probably fought the never-ending battle of trying to keep the cat out of the dog food or the even more likely scenario of trying to keep the dog out of the cat food!
Thanksgiving Foods For Pets
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, no doubt you’re already starting to prepare a feast for your family friends.
People Foods To Avoid Feeding Your Pets
While we may think of them as our children, dogs and cats are not little people and they have their own unique metabolisms. Some of the things we can eat, they cannot and certain foods can be very dangerous, even lethal to our pets.