COVID-19 and Your Pet: FAQ's
The overall risk that most domestic animals can become infected and develop illness is thought to be low. But, there is still limited information available and many unknowns about how this virus will behave
Pet Sitters vs. Boarding Facilities
For some pet owners, going out of town (even if it’s just for a short period of time) can be rather stressful. Not only must you make your own travel plans, but you must make sure you have appropriate accommodations for your furry pal(s) also.
National Train Your Dog Month
January is here…the start of a new year and new beginnings! It also happens to be “National Train Your Dog Month”! Whether you got a new puppy for the Christmas or you have an older dog that needs a little training, this is a great time to start.
Therapy Dogs
Many people find the companionship found in a dog to be just what the doctor ordered. The unconditional love a dog gives can most definitely be used as a form of therapy, and many people rely heavily on their animals to get them through the stresses of everyday life.
What To Do If Your Dog Gets Stung By A Bee Or A Wasp
With summer fast approaching, dogs and their owners like to spend more time in the outdoors. The warmer weather also brings a wide variety of insects, including bees and wasps and increases the chance of your dog getting stung.
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture In Dogs
The cranial cruciate ligament is the one most commonly injured in dogs, resulting in discomfort and stifle instability with subsequent arthritis.