Pancreatitis in Dogs
Pancreatitis is defined as “inflammation of the pancreas”. Most likely, you have heard of this condition in humans, but maybe you didn’t know that this can also occur in dogs (and cats!). The pancreas is integral for the digestion of foods, producing enzymes that digest foods, and producing insulin. It is a busy little organ!
Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) Syndrome
One of the most dreaded diseases among the human race is dementia. What a lot of people do not know, is that unfortunately, our dogs can get a form of this too. It’s called canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome, or “canine dementia”.
Pet Insurance
We have insurance for pretty much all of our worldly possessions, as well as our own lives and health, so why wouldn’t we have it for our pets as well?
Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA)
Most people have heard the term “anemia”, either referred to in humans or animals. Anemia is a condition that occurs when the number of red blood cells in the body falls below the normal values, or they function improperly.
Pet Dangers Lurking in your Home
We all like to think of our homes as being safe havens for our pets. We are offering them protection from the dangers of the outside world, right? What some people are not aware of however, are the dangers that lurk INSIDE our homes. Unfortunately, there are several products that we may use on a daily basis that are very dangerous, and sometimes even fatal, to our animals.
Pet Sitters vs. Boarding Facilities
For some pet owners, going out of town (even if it’s just for a short period of time) can be rather stressful. Not only must you make your own travel plans, but you must make sure you have appropriate accommodations for your furry pal(s) also.