Cancer in your pet
The word “cancer” is probably one of the most feared words in our world today; and unfortunately that doesn’t stop with humans – it affects our pets as well. According to the National Canine Cancer Foundation, it is a diagnosis one out of every three dogs will receive in their lifetime.
National Walk your Dog Week
Most dogs love the outdoors. There are so many sights, smells, and places to pee that it may seem like they go a little crazy every time that front door opens! However, an over-excited dog can be really difficult to walk. It may seem more like they’re walking you than you’re walking them.
Animal Pain Awareness
The International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management has designated the month of September as Animal Pain Awareness Month. In recognition of that we’d like to share some tidbits on how to tell if your pet is in pain.
Cat food versus Dog food: Is there a difference?
If you have a household with both a dog and a cat, then you have probably fought the never-ending battle of trying to keep the cat out of the dog food or the even more likely scenario of trying to keep the dog out of the cat food!
Lyme Disease Prevention
The question that veterinarians throughout British Columbia have been hearing more and more often is “can my dog get lyme disease?”
How To Prevent Pet Poisoning
Many common household items present a potential risk to your furry friend’s health and well-being so it’s important to learn how to safely organize your home in order to make it a pet-safe environment.
Marijuana Intoxication In Our Pets
Marijuana is a popular recreational drug used by millions of people all over the world. Its use is likely to rise due to the changes being made in legislation and that may lead to an increase in cases of intoxication of pets by this drug.
Preventing Dog Bites
We need to learn how to safely and respectfully approach dogs to prevent these episodes from occurring. There are appropriate and inappropriate was to approach and greet dogs…
Engaging With Your Dog In The Fall
Like with any season, your own routine might change a little to adjust to the weather and this also applies for your dog.
Thanksgiving Foods For Pets
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, no doubt you’re already starting to prepare a feast for your family friends.
Much Ado About Pumpkin
Often we get questions from clients about what things they can do for their pets prior to coming to the clinic or when problems occur over the weekend.
Should You Shave Your Pet In The Summer?
With the temperatures rising, people begin to strip down to their bathing suit to cool off, but can the same be said for your pet?
What To Do If Your Dog Gets Stung By A Bee Or A Wasp
With summer fast approaching, dogs and their owners like to spend more time in the outdoors. The warmer weather also brings a wide variety of insects, including bees and wasps and increases the chance of your dog getting stung.
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease which involves the lack of insulin in the body. To understand how this affects your pet it is necessary to understand how the body normally functions.
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture In Dogs
The cranial cruciate ligament is the one most commonly injured in dogs, resulting in discomfort and stifle instability with subsequent arthritis.
Behaviour Changes In Senior Dogs
As dogs age, they often experience small or significant changes in behaviour. Many of these changes are a normal part of the aging process while others merit a visit to your vet.
The Right Nutrition For Your Dog
When it comes to nutrition, dogs are a lot like people. Dogs are omnivores, meaning they can eat a variety of foods to stay healthy.
Getting Your Dog To The Vet
It is not uncommon for many dogs to dislike going to the vet but there are some simple and easy steps to reduce your dog’s anxiety and fear about office visits.